Launching the NFL in the UK

We partnered with the NFL to create a end-to-end brand strategy for their UK launch and driving ticket sales for the NFL London Games.


The Challenge :

To develop the UK NFL brand in order to grow brand awareness, understanding, viewership and following of American Football and the NFL in the UK. Along side, we were tasked with driving ticket sales for the NFL London Games, and  creating content for NFL GamePass and Fantasy NFL.


The Solution:

We provided a full immersive brand process, utilising focus groups, interviews, surveys, workshops and stakeholder consultation to fully understand the role of the NFL in the UK+US market. Our experienced planning team developed the proposition of ‘Only in the NFL’. We also evolved the US brand look and feel, tone and elements to work in different markets, adding region specific elements without diluting the master brand.


  • Successfully developed and launched the ‘Only in the NFL’ unique UK positioning, offering an Americana experience unmatched by other events and driving cut through in a crowded market.
  • 80% YoY increase in TV viewing.
  • 22 million UK sports fans reached through our content targeting
  • 10 million weekly UK views of NFL game highlights for the first time ever